Monday, November 13, 2023

Digging, Dividing, & Storing Dahlias for Winter

We have gotten a couple of frosts so it's time to dig out the dahlias, divide them and get them stored for the winter. This year I am storing them differently than past years. Digging up dahlias, dividing dahlias in fall, storing dahlias for winter.  Growing dahlias in fabric bags. Zone 6b, NJ

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Digging up and Moving Daffodil Bulbs + Removing Eryngium (Sea Holly)

Digging up and moving daffodil bulbs in the fall.  Also removing eryngium, sea holly, roots that have spread in the garden bed.   Gardening in NJ, zone 6b

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Painting terracotta pots - DIY Faux Aged Copper Patina Planters

How to Make DIY Faux Copper Planters with Acrylic Paint.  Painting terracotta pots for the garden.   In today's video I show you how I painted my terracotta pots to match my garden decor.  It is super easy turning a terra cotta pot into a pretty color using acrylic paints.   I hope you all enjoy and it gives you inspiration to dress up your terra cotta pots.  Thanks so much for watching!

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Expanding My Small Backyard Veggie Garden + Garden Tour

Gardening in NJ zone 6b.  I built a small enclosed vegetable garden in my backyard last year using Vigoro no-dig fence panels a Vego raised beds. Quickly I felt like I needed more room so I have expanded the garden.   I feel that with the extra space it is looking more like the fairytale cottage vegetable garden with not just veggies but also beautiful flowers.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Winter Sowing an Herb Tea Garden

Starting herbs and flowers using the winter sowing method to start a tea garden.  Many of the hebs and flowers used to make teas work well with winter sowing.  Here are the ones I am growing this year.  You don't need much space and can grow all of these in containers.
#wintersowing #teagarden #herbalgarden

Friday, January 20, 2023

Winter Sowing Native Flowers and Perennials

Native flowers lend themselves very well to the winter sowing method since most of them require cold stratification and this method naturally provides that freeze and thaw cycle they need to germinate.  Just be sure to winter sow them in January or early February so they get 30 to 60 days of cold stratification.  I'm starting native flower seeds in January and I'm Gardening in NJ, zone 6b

If you have a question please leave one in the comments section!

Past winter sowing videos:
Flower Seeds I’m Winter Sowing in 2023:
Winter Sowing Supplies 10 Essentials:
Winter Sowing - Best Flower Seeds and When to sow:
Winter Sowing Step by Step Guide (2021):
Winter Sowing Reveal - Spring 2022:
Winter Sowing Reveal - Spring 2021:
How to Transplant Winter Sown Seedlings into the garden:

Prairie Moon Nursery -
Baker Creek -
Johnny's Selected Seeds -

Monday, January 16, 2023

Flower Seeds I’m Winter Sowing in 2023

I love growing flower seeds using the winter sowing method in containers like water jugs, milk jugs or other plastic containers.  These are the flower seeds that I will be winter sowing in 2023 and what time of year that I sow each type.  Gardening in NJ, zone 6b

Here are some of my other winter sowing videos:
Winter Sowing Supplies 10 Essentials:
Winter Sowing - Best Flower Seeds and When to sow:
What I'm Winter Sowing in 2022:
Winter Sowing Step by Step Guide (2021):
Winter Sowing Reveal - Spring 2022:
Winter Sowing Reveal - Spring 2021:
How to Transplant Winter Sown Seedlings into the garden:

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